carbon 14中文什么意思

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  1. nuclear energy-measurement of radioactivity in the environment-water-part 3 : beta emitters activity measurement by liquid scintillation-particular case of simultaneous presence of tritium and carbon 14
  2. radioactive matter is incorporated into plants, which are then eaten by animals with the result that most foodstuffs have a measurable amount of radioactivity . additional radioactivity in food comes from the naturally occurring isotope carbon 14 . some cosmic radiation also reaches sea level
  3. the reassessment is based on advances in eliminating modern carbon contamination from ancient bone fragments and recalibration of fluctuations in the pattern of the earth's original carbon 14 content . populations of anatomically and behaviourally modern humans first appeared in the near eastern region some 45, 000 years ago and slowly expanded into southeastern europe


  1. carbon (granule) transmitter 什么意思
  2. carbon 12 什么意思
  3. carbon 13 什么意思
  4. carbon 13 magnetic resonance 什么意思
  5. carbon 13 magnetic resonance spectroscopy 什么意思
  6. carbon 14 age 什么意思
  7. carbon 14 dating 什么意思
  8. carbon 14(14c) 什么意思
  9. carbon 14s 什么意思
  10. carbon abatement 什么意思


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